How to Socialize Pet Rats

Your pet rats will be come depressed and may start to act out unless you socialize them regularly. You can train the animals quickly if you're willing to devote a little time to the task every day.


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      Place your hand in front of the rat. Let your pet sniff you and learn your scent every time you socialize with him so that he'll immediately recognize you whenever you come near.

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      Gently pick up your rat every day. Reach into his cage and wiggle your fingers so that he approaches you. Don't just reach in and scoop up your pet.

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      Give your pet rat small pieces of food. Hold it out in your palm and let him come to you to get it right out of your hand. This action demonstrates friendliness and sends the signal that you have no desire to harm the pet. Call out your pet's name every time you feed him. This will train him to come to you whenever you call.

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      Move your fingers together when you feed your rat. The pet will begin to come to you whenever you move your fingers.