How to Pick a Pet Rat

A bundle of rats in a cage may all look the same, but each one is blessed with a different personality. You can gauge those personalities, and pick a pet rat that’s right for you with a few simple steps.


    • 1

      Find a pet store or breeder that has a selection of rats and pay them a visit.

    • 2

      Stick your hand in the cage full of rats to gauge their reactions. If rats are kept in individual cages, stick your hand in each one’s cage that you are interested in to pick a pet rat.

    • 3

      Keep your hand still and simply observe. Some rats will immediately bolt while others will be curious and approach you. If you’re really lucky, one may even lick your hand, which would make your choice a breeze.

    • 4

      Ask the employee or breeder to retrieve the rat whose reaction you like. You can try to pick the rat up yourself but, if it is not used to being handled, it may bite you at this juncture.

    • 5

      Check your selected rat for any tumors, open sores, eye discharge or anomalies on his paws or tail to make sure you pick a pet rat that’s healthy.