How to Make a Hammock for Small Pets

Small pets, rats and ferrets in particular, like hammocks to sleep in and play on. Such hammocks are available from pet stores, but it doesn̵7;t take long to make your own from pieces of scrap fabric. Given that little pets are tough on their toys, often chewing through them within days, homemade hammocks could save you some money. Making pet hammocks is also a simple way to recycle worn-out clothes, even if you are not the world̵7;s best sewer. Rats and other little pets don̵7;t care whether or not their hammocks are beautifully made. They just want something to play in.

Things You'll Need

  • Scrap fabric
  • Fabric shears
  • Pointed scissors
  • Cord
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    • 1

      Cut a square or rectangle of a tough fabric that is at least one and a half times the length of your pet, not including its tail. Suitable fabrics include denim and fleece.

    • 2

      Trim away any loose threads from the fabric.

    • 3

      Cut four narrow strips of the same fabric. Strips about 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide and 3 inches long are perfect.

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      Create a hole in each corner of the fabric with the end of the scissors. Thread the fabric strips through the holes.

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      Hang the hammock in your pet̵7;s cage by tying the corners to the mesh or bars, using the fabric strips. Alternatively, use general-purpose cord. Tie the corners at each end tightly enough that the fabric has a loose fold, forming a typical hammock shape.

    • 6

      Check the hammock every day, and replace it once holes or loose threads develop, which could trap an animal̵7;s foot.