Wash Your Hands
Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the rats. It is also important that you do not rub or touch your eyes after handling them. Showering and washing your hair regularly will help to remove allergens from your body and prevent skin irritation. For further protection against skin allergies, wear gloves while handling the rats.
Cage Cleaning
Clean the cages outside or in a well-ventilated space to reduce the amount of allergens in your home. If possible have someone else clean the cage for you to minimize your contact with the rat dander, saliva and droppings. If you must complete this task yourself, then wear rubber gloves and a protective painter's mask to prevent irritation or inhalation of allergens.
Furniture Cleaning
Clean and spray your furniture regularly. The allergens that trigger allergic reactions often catch on household furniture. Clean your furnishings on a regular basis and use specialist sprays to prevent the allergens from becoming airborne in your home.
Bathing the Rats
Bathe the rats monthly or weekly. It has not been proven that this reduces rat allergies but in some cases in has been shown to help. Bathing the rats in plain water for up to 10 minutes may reduce the number of allergens shed.
Cage Location
Avoid housing or handling the rats in your bedroom. By sleeping in the same room as them you expose yourself to the allergens for an extended period of time, and breathing them in during this time could trigger your allergic reaction.
Things to Do if I Am Allergic to Rats
It is not unusual to be allergic to rats, and the most obvious solution to reducing your allergies is to avoid them completely. However, if you are keeping rats as a pet or have to handle them in your place of work then there are certain steps to take to help reduce your allergies. Allergens released by the rats can be reduced by cleaning the furniture regularly and minimizing direct contact with the animal.