How to Treat a Pet Rat for a Cold

Just like humans, pet rats can get the sniffles during cold season. Some of the main signs that your rat has fallen ill to a cold---more commonly referred to by veterinarians as a respiratory infection---include frequent sneezing and shortness of breath. Rats naturally carry mycoplasma pulmonis in their nasal passages, and when rats do get a cold, this bacteria can multiply, worsening the rat's condition. It is important to keep a close eye on your pet if you notice his fur standing on end, or if he remains hunched up. This is a sign that he is in discomfort and requires medical attention.

Things You'll Need

  • Second cage
  • Heating pad
  • Prescription antibiotics
  • Baby food
  • Towel
  • Humidifier
  • Clean bedding
  • Echinacea
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      Take your pet rat to a veterinarian immediately if you notice any wheezing, cold symptoms, clicking noises from the sinuses or dried red mucus around the eyes and nose. If the mycoplasma bacteria has the opportunity to flourish it can result in pneumonia or even death for your furry friend.

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      Move the sick rat to an isolated cage and provide him with a small heating pad, set on low heat. The rat should be secluded to prevent the other rats from getting sick and to give him a chance to recover in a stress-free environment.

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      Administer the rat the prescribed antibiotics. There are many antibiotics available to treat colds in rats, and your veterinarian will give you a prescription when you take your rat in for a check-up. Once you have the antibiotics, the tricky part is administering it to your sick rat. Mix the antibiotics with baby food or other food treats to entice your rat into taking the medication.

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      Place a towel over the rat's cage until he has recovered. It is important to keep the rat's cage away from any drafts in your home. If you have access to a humidifier, set it up near the rat's cage to provide him with humidity that will help in the healing process.

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      Change the rat's bedding daily. Over time, rats bedding develops an ammonia-like scent that actually worsens the condition in their nasal passages. Clean the cage regularly to prevent this smell from worsening the cold.

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      Bolster the rat's immune system by feeding him drops of echinacea. This herbal remedy should be given to the rat once or twice daily until the cold diminishes.