What are four types of dinosaurs that travel in herds?

Here are four types of dinosaurs that likely traveled in herds:

1. Hadrosaurs (Duck-billed dinosaurs): These plant-eaters, like Edmontosaurus and Maiasaura, are frequently found in bonebeds, suggesting they lived in large groups for protection and to raise their young.

2. Ceratopsians (Horned dinosaurs): Groups of Triceratops and their relatives are often discovered together, implying they formed herds. This likely helped with defense against predators.

3. Sauropods (Long-necked dinosaurs): While not as well documented as other groups, evidence suggests that some sauropods like Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus may have traveled in herds. This would have provided safety in numbers and allowed them to access larger areas of food.

4. Ornithomimids (Bird-mimic dinosaurs): These fast-running dinosaurs, like Ornithomimus, likely traveled in herds for similar reasons as hadrosaurs. They would have been vulnerable to predators, so a group would provide better protection.