Is the beluga whale that only doesnt have a dorsal fin?

That's a great question! It's actually not true that beluga whales are the only whales without a dorsal fin.

Here's the breakdown:

* Beluga whales do have a dorsal fin, but it's very small and almost completely fused to their back. It's more like a bump than a fin.

* There are other whale species that lack a prominent dorsal fin, such as:

* Right whales: These whales have a very small, rudimentary dorsal fin that is easily missed.

* Gray whales: They lack a dorsal fin altogether.

* Humpback whales: Although they have a large, distinctive dorsal fin, it's not present in young humpbacks.

So, while belugas are known for their small, almost non-existent dorsal fin, they're not the only whales that don't have a prominent one.