How to Make Humidity in a Cage

If you own a reptile or amphibian, humidity plays an important part in your pet's health. You may not always consider the effects of humidity in the environment and what it does for these animals. Each species of reptile or amphibian requires a different level of humidity in its environment. Sometimes your pet's environment requires more humidity than usual, especially if it is shedding or the ambient temperature is warm. Creating humidity in its cage ensures that you have a happy, healthy pet. You can create humidity in your cage several different ways.

Things You'll Need

  • Wet towel
  • Spray bottle
  • Reptile bark
  • Moss
  • Hydrometer
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      Cover one-half of the cage top with a wet towel. Make certain that you cover the side in which the water bowl is kept. Doing so will prevent any evaporation from the water bowl from escaping through the top of the cage, and in turn will increase the cage's humidity.

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      Replace your pet's water dish with a larger one. Reptiles like to have a water bowl large enough that they can soak and swim in. Place the bowl in a warm area of the cage. When the water evaporates, it helps to increase the humidity in the cage. You should closely monitor the water dish as you will need to frequently replace the evaporated water.

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      Mist your cage on a daily basis. Light misting of everything in the cage a few times a day will help to increase the humidity. Your pets will love it to. Many reptiles like to lick the water off the walls and cage furnishings. Like humans, reptiles like to be clean to; regular misting also aids in keeping them clean.

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      Change the substrate in the cage. If you are using shavings, rock or sand to cover the bottom of the cage, these items may be contributing to a dry environment. Try using reptile bark or orchid bark. This shredded pulp-like substrate helps to keep moisture in the cage and will also increase the humidity. Moss is another substrate you can use to increase humidity. Most reptile and pet stores sell terrarium or Spanish moss specifically for reptile use.