Call 512-389-4481 and select menu 7. Select option 2 to speak to a representative.
Request the appropriate application for the type of reptile license you require. If you need help selecting a type of application, the representative will be able to guide you to the correct one. Guidelines vary between types of reptile permits.
Give your address to the representative and an application will be sent to you. Some applications are available online.
Fill out the application. Include your name, social security number, contact information and business information. If you've been cited for a wildlife violation, describe the incident at the appropriate place on the form.
Write out a check for the application fee to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The fee amount is written on the application, is based on your residency and request type. The fee ranges from $20 to $252 as of April 2011.
Send the application and check to Texas Parks &Wildlife Department, Wildlife Diversity Permits, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744. Your license will arrive in the mail.
How to Get a Texas Reptile Permit
Reptile permits available in Texas are varied. Obtain a recreational controlled exotic snake permit if you want to purchase and keep snakes, but not sell them. A commercial controlled exotic snake permit allows the holder to sell snakes. If you're looking for a permit that allows you access to reptiles other than snakes, apply for a permit that allows you to own or transport more than 25 individual nongame wildlife of a species. Commercial permits for generic nongame wildlife are also available from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife.