How to Potty Train Your Iguana

For the most part, iguanas are generally clean animals; they like a clean living space. Many iguana owners decide to potty train their iguanas to make clean up easier and reduce maintenance and keep their pet happier. It may come as a surprise that iguanas can become potty trained, but it's possible to train them in just a few steps.


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      Iguanas will usually defecate after soaking in warm water.

      Fill a sink with warm water just enough that your iguana's head and neck will be out of the water. Your main goal will be to get your iguana adjusted to a regular bath time. Keep in mind that iguanas are cold-blooded animals and can't regulate their own body temperature, so make sure the water isn't too hot or cold. There should be just enough water that the iguana can stand up and not have to worry about trying to swim to stay above the water, but the water should be deep enough that its body can soak. It may take him some time getting used to.

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      Allow your iguana to soak for 10 to 20 minutes. Bathing in warm water usually help reptiles such as iguanas with constipation by encouraging bowel movements. If your iguana doesn't defecate after 20 minutes in warm water, he is probably not comfortable enough yet. If he does defecate in the water, drain the water as soon as possible. Remove the iguana and add clean, warm water so the iguana can finish his bath and stay clean.

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      Drain the water and gently pat your iguana dry with a soft towel. Place him back in his cage or living area. Wait a day or two, try the bathing process again. Eventually a pattern will be reached and the iguana will learn that when it is bath time, he can defecate in the water and won't have to live with the mess in his living space.