Why Do People Love Reptiles as Pets?

When most people think of popular pets, cats and dogs typically come to mind. There are many people, however, that love to own reptiles as pets. With the proper care and maintenance of a reptile, these pets can live up to 40 years or more. Although reptiles are not cuddly, they are eccentric and diverse.
  1. Easy to Maintain

    • Many reptiles make low-maintenance pets. The right type of reptile tank or terrarium, heat lamp and proper cleaning and feeding are the most crucial elements of caring for a cold-blooded animal. The cleaning of a reptile tank does not take long if done on a regular basis.

    No Noise

    • A lizard, turtle or snake will not bark at delivery people at the door or those walking in front of your home. Reptiles do not whine or whimper when they want attention or need to be let outside. And they don't squawk while you are trying to have a telephone conversation.

    No Mess

    • For the most part, reptiles are calm creatures. Since they spend most of their time in an enclosure, they are not as likely to soil your floor like a puppy that is not housebroken. You will not come home to find your pet reptile has left his toys all over your home, has chewed up your personal items or has shredded a roll of toilet paper in the bathroom. Nor will they bring you "presents" in the form of an animal they caught in the yard.

    Easy to Feed

    • Because of the slower metabolism of reptiles, they only need to eat a couple times a week, or even less frequently. According to ReptileKnowledge.com, the food for a reptile is comparatively inexpensive as they have primarily vegetarian diets or eat inexpensive proteins, such as crickets or small rodents.

    Many are Safe to Handle

    • Contrary to the belief of many, reptiles sold are as pets are as safe to handle as a dog, cat or bird. The Green Iguana Society states not all reptiles need to have handling, which is ideal for those who want a pet, but are more interested in looking at an animal rather than holding it. However, if you have a reptile that tolerates human handling well, hold it often to keep it accustomed to the experience.

    No Shedding Fur or Dander

    • The fact that reptiles do not have fur is an advantage to those who suffer from allergies and cannot own pets such as dogs or cats. Reptiles do not produce allergy-causing dander, oils and fur. Reptiles do shed their skin periodically, but the dead skin cells do not typically cause allergic reactions.