How to Tell the Difference Between Male & Female Frilled Dragons

As friendly as they are spectacular-looking, the frilled dragon is a popular choice for people who want to keep lizards as pets. However, if you want to keep more than one frilled dragon at a time in the same habitat, you need to know their sex before grouping them, as this affects their behavior toward one another. Many breeders will note the sex of a frilled dragon for you, but it is possible, although challenging, to determine the sex yourself.


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      Observe your frilled dragon̵7;s size and appearance. Males tend to be larger than females, with larger heads and frills, and many males display deeper coloration.

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      Look for characteristic hemipenal bulges at the underside base of your frilled dragon̵7;s tail. Males will have two small bulges on either side, leaving an indentation in the center. Females may have a slight bulge in the center, leaving the indentation on the sides of the tail base.

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      Place your frilled dragons in temporary group conditions. Sexually mature males will become active around females at the start of their breeding season (usually September). They will show off for females, fighting with other males, bobbing their heads and frilling excessively. Females observe this ritual by remaining still or by moving their heads in slow circles.