Male Leopard Geckos Vs. Female Leopard Geckos

Male and female leopard geckos may look alike at first glance, but if you know what to look for, you'll find that there are a few distinct differences. Male and female leopard geckos generally exhibit behavioral, physical and chemical differences.
  1. Size

    • On average, male and female adult leopard geckos reach a total of 10 inches and weigh over 50 grams. Males have slightly wider heads and broader bodies than females.

    Territorial Behavior

    • Males exhibit territorial behavior, especially around females. Male leopard geckos approach intruders sideways while shaking their tails back and forth. Two males in the same enclosure will fight, draw blood and perhaps rip off each other's tails. Females usually do not show territorial behavior unless food is scarce.

    Courting Behavior

    • Male leopard geckos approach females while shaking their tails back and forth. When mating, the male bites the female on the neck and penetrates her from the side. A female who is resistant to mating will bite back and move away.


    • To determine the sex of a leopard gecko, look at the area directly above the base of its tail. A male has a distinct row of pre-anal pores in an upside-down "V" shape between its back legs. These pores excrete a waxy substance used to mark its territory during breeding seasons. A female leopard gecko's pre-anal pores will be faint and more difficult to see. A male leopard gecko has a hemipenis, noted by two bulges below the pores at the base of its tail. This area is flat on a female.


    • Leopard geckos recognize each other with behavioral cues and chemoreception. Males and females excrete different chemicals, called semochemicals, through the skin. Leopard geckos detect the differences in these chemicals and respond with aggression or courtship.


    • According to Jon Coote, male leopard geckos live longer than females because of the physical strain of laying eggs. In captivity, both sexes have been known to reach 20 years.