Homemade Mister for Reptiles

Reptiles need to have a moist environment in order to thrive. Some reptiles need misting in order to survive. If you have a land turtle, a snake or any type of lizard, you'll want to get a mister for their cage and set it to provide them with the right type of water, depending on research you have done about that animal. If you want to make your own mister, you can do that as well. It might not be as easy to use, but it can be less expensive.
  1. Hose Mister

    • Buy a hose and a timer. Buy the type of hose that is a misting hose. These are usually meant for gardens as an automatic watering system. Buy the smallest size possible. Also, buy a watering timer. These you can find in the garden center, and are meant to set your hose to water for a specific amount of time each day. Buy the hose and the timer and make sure that your cage is close to a water source, like a faucet or a sink.

      Attach the timer to the faucet or sink, and then attach the hose to the timer. If the hose is sliced right away, wrap duct tape and plastic around the hose. Otherwise, string it along the top of your reptile cage. Then, set the timer so it will mist your reptile for a specific amount of time each day.

    Hand Held Mister

    • Mist your reptiles by getting a squirt bottle from the dollar section at a store. Fill it with water and use it on your reptile as often as needed. This is a cheap and easy alternative to a store-bought mister.