Lighting Needs
Reptiles need full spectrum lights to provide them with both UVA and UVB light. These light sources are vital to their health. Some reptiles have very specific UV lighting needs, such as a certain amount of UVA and UVB lighting at certain times of day, so be sure to thoroughly research your pet before buying anything. While most aquarium lighting is full spectrum, most reptile species will require more than one bulb for their UV lighting needs. You will need to carefully read the aquarium light box in order to determine whether that bulb is safe to use in conjunction with other light bulbs.
Some aquarium lighting also provides UVC light, which is harmful to reptiles, so carefully read the package before you purchase a bulb. If you have questions about whether the bulb provides UVA, UVB, UVC -- or any combination of the three -- ask the employee at the pet store and mention what type of reptile you are buying the bulb for.
Aquarium Hoods
While aquarium lighting may be adequate for some reptiles, do not use a combination light and hood made for fish on your reptile's habitat. While the lighting itself may be fine for the reptile, the hood will disrupt ventilation in the aquarium. This lack of ventilation could reduce your reptile's ability to fight disease.
Can Aquarium Lighting Be Used for Reptiles?
Most reptiles, because they are cold-blooded, need a heat source in their aquariums. Lighting is an effective way to create this essential environment. While each species' lighting needs varies, most reptiles will need at least one bright light in their habitats. Because many owners choose to keep their pet reptile in an aquarium, they assume the aquarium lighting will be suitable. In many cases, this is true, but you should research your pet's lighting needs to be sure.