How to Tame a Leopard Gecko

Leopard geckos can be extremely timid creatures, especially when you first get them as juveniles. Taming a leopard gecko can be done in about a month's time if all steps are followed daily. Taming a leopard gecko can be a very rewarding experience as you will be able to handle him without fear of biting.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves (if desired)
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    • 1

      Handle your leopard gecko very gently when you first purchase him. Pet his head and his back with soft touches. If you have already had your gecko for quite some time, begin with Step 2.

    • 2

      Place your hand inside of your gecko's terrarium on a daily basis. Leave your hand down on the substrate for approximately five to 10 minutes at a time. Observe your gecko and notice his curiosity. If he does not approach you, remove your hand and try again the next day.

    • 3

      Talk to your gecko in a soft voice. Again, place your hand inside of the terrarium, this time, slightly moving your fingers. Repeat Step 2 and 3 until he finally approaches your hand.

    • 4

      Place a cricket or meal worm in your hand and allow the gecko to take the prey from your hand. Feed him two to three pieces of food by hand on a daily basis.

    • 5

      Move your hand towards your gecko. Do this very slowly. If he backs away, pull your hand away. If he sways his tail in the air, he is feeling threatened, so it's wise to remove your hand. If he does not move, gently pet him. Do not pick him up just yet.

    • 6

      Continue feeding him by hand and attempting to pet him. Once your gecko seems to be okay with the hand feeding and petting, gently scoop him up with your hand. Talk to him in a soft voice and pet him as he sits in your hand. If he starts getting anxious, place him back in his terrarium.

    • 7

      Keep practicing with your gecko until he realizes that you are not an enemy and that he has nothing to fear. Eventually, your gecko will walk straight to you, expecting you to pick him up.