How to Differentiate Between a Crocodile and an Alligator

Many people look at crocodiles and alligators as killing machines that date back to the days of the dinosaurs. Both of those assertions are true, but neither one tells the full story of these fascinating creatures. Crocodiles and alligators have many similarities but their differences are significant.


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      Examine the snout. One of the most notable differences between alligators and crocodiles comes in the shape of the jaws. Crocodiles have a pointed snout that is reminiscent of the letter "V." Alligators have a more rounded snout that is similar to the letter "U." The round shape of the alligator's snout allows them to hunt prey that has a very hard shell. The alligator's jaw is capable of providing a very powerful bite. The crocodile's bite is also powerful, but if the two animals are of the same size, the rounded snout of the alligator provides more pressure than triangular-shaped snout of the crocodile.

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      Understand how both hunt. Both animals can be aggressive hunters, but alligators will generally shy away from human beings unless the individual strays upon the alligator's habitat. A crocodile needs no such invitation to attack a human being. Large Nile crocodiles will go after any large animal they can reach and that includes human beings.

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      Examine the size of the jaw. The crocodile appears more ferocious in appearance than the alligator because of the size of its jaws. The alligator's upper jaw is bigger than the lower jaw and those lower teeth are basically hidden when the gator's jaws are closed. The crocodile's upper and lower jaws are both about the same size and both sets of teeth can be seen when the mouth is closed. The teeth interlock and the appearance is quite vicious.

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      Know each reptile's habitat. Alligators are found primarlily in the southern United State and China. Crocodiles are found in Africa, Asia, Austrailia and some portions of central America.

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      Look at the overall size. Crocodiles are generally larger than alligators although this is not true in all cases. Some crocodiles grow to be more than 18 feet and a number of species will be in the 12 to17 foot range. Alligators can grow to be 14 feet, but most tend to be in the 8 to 12 foot range.