How to Care for an Anole

Green anoles, sometimes referred to as American chameleons, are small reptiles that make wonderful first pets for kids. The active lizards are social reptiles that enjoy being watched and will react to its owners. Growing to an average adult length of 8 to 10 inches long, these lightning fast reptiles provide entertainment to children of all ages. Anoles are relatively easy to care for and have an average life span of 4 to 8 years.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Thermometer
  • Humidity gauge
  • Spray bottle
  • Crickets
  • Cricket food
  • Calcium and vitamin supplements
  • Small heat lamp
  • Vines
  • Branches
  • Rocks
  • Peat moss
  • Dirt
  • Live plants
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    • 1

      Set up housing for the pet anole in a clean aquarium, that is ten gallosn or larger. Use peat moss, dirt covered with bark and live plants to line the bottom of the tank. Place rocks, clean branches and vines throughout the reptile habitat. Create a jungle like atmosphere to keep the anole well-sheltered. Put a screen cover securely over the top of the aquarium so the anole cannot escape.

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      Feed the anoles live food including crickets, mealworms and wax worms. Purchase the smallest crickets available, they have to be tiny. Feed each anole three or four crickets every other day. Place the crickets in a plastic sandwich bag with a recommended dose of Herpcare calcium dust. Shake the bag to coat the crickets then dump them in the anole habitat. Feed small mealworms or wax worms as an extra source of protein or once a month to give the pet anole a treat.

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      Mist the sides of the aquarium daily to keep the anoles hydrated. The small pet reptiles will lick the water off the sides of the aquarium and vines when they are thirsty. Use distilled water instead of tap water. Tap water contains too many chemicals for anoles to tolerate it well.

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      Provide adequate heat for the pet anoles. Keep the reptile habitat between 80 to 90 degrees during the day for a healthy anole. Use a small heat lamp on the top of the screen or pointed into the reptile habitat. Provide at least one large flat rock directly under the light for a basking spot. Provide shade and shelter to ease stress on the pet lizards. Keep the habitat humidity at 60% to 70% at all times. Place the habitat on a reptile heating pad to keep night time temperatures 65 to 75 degrees.

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      Socialize an anole by placing a hand in the reptile habitat several times a day. Let the lizard crawl on your hand and wrist as it gets to know your scent. Set up an anole safe room in the home to play outside the habitat. Cover every vent and close all windows. Put towels along doorways before allowing an anole out of its reptile habitat.