How to Buy an Iguana as a Gift

Iguanas make great pets for older children. They're inexpensive and easy to care for and live happy, placid lives for up to 10 years.


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      Check with the parents before buying an iguana, if the recipient is a child.

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      Consider the personality of the person you plan to give the reptile to. An energetic child may not enjoy an iguana as much as a quieter youngster would. Iguanas are slow creatures who like to spend their days basking in the sunshine.

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      Consider buying a gift certificate and letting the recipient pick out his or her own iguana.

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      Find out if the recipient has an appropriate terrarium for the iguana, or make arrangements to provide one.

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      Buy the reptile from a reputable pet store, iguana breeder or local humane society (if you opt against the gift certificate).

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      Inspect the iguana's living conditions at the place you're getting it from. A dirty environment can make the animal more likely to harbor bacterial diseases.

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      Check that the iguana you've selected doesn't have any open sores on its skin and has clear, bright eyes.