Caring for a Red-Legged Tortoise

Geochelone carbonaria, also known as the red-footed or red-legged tortoise, is a colorful South American species. One of the most colorful of all tortoises, it is a medium-sized species that is often kept as an exotic pet. Being a tropical species, red-legged tortoises can be a challenge to care for properly, but for devoted owners they can be rewarding pets.
  1. Housing

    • Whether kept indoors or outside, red-legged tortoises need a large space such as a four by six foot enclosure outside or a 40-gallon terrarium inside. Being a tropical species and cold blooded, the tortoise needs to be able to bask in a warm spot. It needs a temperature of around 90 degrees Fahrenheit, so if it's not warm enough naturally, the enclosure needs an overhead heat lamp. The floor of the enclosure needs a sandy covering mixed with peat moss to keep it moist and it can also have a layer of leaf litter.


    • When the tortoises are handled regularly from an early age they become accepting of contact and do not tend to retreat into their shells. They do, however, sometimes like to hide and should have small piles of hay to burrow into or other places to hide. It is safe to hand-feed the tortoise as they do not tend to bite and will take the offered food gently.


    • The red-legged tortoise, like all other tortoise species, is not a highly social animal but it can be kept in different sex pairs easily. They do not exhibit territorial behavior and will not fight, but obviously keeping multiple tortoises requires more space. If keeping a pair, it is important to realize that the species is a prolific breeder. Given the right conditions, the pair can produce several clutches of eggs each year.


    • Like most tortoises, the red-legged variety is mainly vegetarian and should be fed every other day with salad greens, root vegetables and fruit. The species does also eat animal protein, so once or twice a week a dead mouse or chick can be offered. A commercial protein-rich reptile food can be used as an alternative to the dead animals. The tortoise needs fresh water every day, which should be placed in a dish that is sunken into the enclosure's floor. Make sure the tortoise can get in and out of the water dish safely.