How to Care for a Paddletail Newt

Paddletail newts are named for their round, flattened tails and are often kept as pets. These newts are often mistaken for firebelly newts, but they are a completely different species. The two main species of paddletail newts are Pachytriton labiatus and Pachytriton brevipes. In order to care for these newts, it is important to establish a comfortable aquarium environment, proper diet and effective hiding places.

Things You'll Need

  • 20-gallon aquarium
  • Aquarium filter
  • Floating island aquarium decorations
  • Worms, insects and fish food
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      Set up an aquarium that gives your paddletail newt enough space to live comfortably by allowing 10 gallons per newt.

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      Keep the water in your newt's aquarium between 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Paddletail newts can handle water temperatures up to 72 degrees Fahrenheit for short periods of time, but they prefer to live in cold water.

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      Install an aquarium filter that will keep water clean, aerated and moving. Change 10 to 20 percent of the aquarium's water weekly to ensure a clean environment for your newt.

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      Place at least one floating island decoration in the aquarium per newt. Although newts live in a fully aquatic environment, they prefer to get out of the water occasionally. This will also help newts hide if one newt begins to show aggression toward the other.

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      Feed your paddletail newts a varied diet of worms, including waxworms, black worms, bloodworms and earthworms. Newts should also be fed insects, fish and dry food pellets. Cut food into small pieces that your newts can easily swallow in one bite to prevent fighting over food. Remove uneaten food after the meal to keep water clean.

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      Pair your paddletail newt with the same species of paddletail newt. Although the two species are similar, paddletail newts are territorial and may attack other species of paddletails. Male newts prefer to be paired with plump paddletail females and may attack thin newts.

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      Place a variety of decorative rocks and caves in your aquarium to give your newts a variety of hiding places. This will minimize your paddletail newts' territorial behavior.