Several snake species remain small and have a docile demeanor, making them perfect reptiles for a 20-gallon tank. Snakes require only a hiding box, water dish and heat source to remain healthy in captivity, and many species can be kept in a 20-gallon enclosure for their entire life. Species such as corn snakes, ball pythons and king snakes are readily available from most pet stores and make interesting exotic pets. All snakes are escape artists, so it is important to ensure that your enclosure has a secure lid to prevent your pet from escaping.
Lizards are one of the most popular reptile pets for 20-gallon tanks. Many small species, such as leopard geckos, anoles and long-tailed lizards, can be kept in groups in a 20-gallon tank. Lizards often require more attention and care than other reptiles, but with the right setup in the enclosure, they make interesting pets that are active and lively in 20-gallon enclosures. Furnish the enclosure to accommodate the habits and environmental requirements for the species you want to keep in order to keep pet lizards healthy.
Aquatic Turtles
While aquatic turtles are often the size of a nickel when they are born and sold in small enclosures, many species grow quickly and are not always suitable for a 20-gallon tank. Juvenile aquatic turtles, such as red-eared sliders, painted turtles and map turtles all make excellent pets for a 20-gallon aquarium for several years. The small space of a 20-gallon aquarium allows you to observe how much your turtle eats and and carefully monitor its development in a small space. However, as aquatic turtles mature and grow into their full size, they require a much larger aquarium to remain healthy.
Terrestrial Turtles and Tortoises
Juvenile terrestrial turtles and tortoises do nicely in a 20-gallon tank. The enclosure should be tailored to the type of turtle or tortoise you choose to keep. Box turtles and Russian tortoises are small species that can be kept in a 20-gallon enclosure for several years until they mature. The general rule is that the enclosure width should be five times as wide as the shell and the depth should be three times the shell in order to provide enough space for the reptile to walk around and remain healthy in captivity.
What Reptile Can Do Nicely in a 20-Gallon Tank?
Unlike domestic pets, reptiles require a carefully controlled environment and spend the majority of their time in their enclosure where the temperature, humidity and light cycle are all carefully controlled. Several types of reptiles make good pets in small aquariums. Careful consideration and planning are important to ensure that the animal is kept healthily in a 20-gallon tank.