Things You'll Need
- Live earthworms, crickets, beetles or locusts
- Aquarium
- Apple slices
- Bran or oats
- Leaves or grass
- Worm composting unit
Remove the back legs of jumping insects immediately before placing them in the tuatara's environment to make them easier to catch.
Place live adult insects and worms in the tuatara's environment and allow the reptiles to hunt their food free-choice. Only add about 2 ounces of insects the first time and adjust the amount depending on whether the tuatara eats all the insects the first night.
Store extra insects in a humid, ventilated aquarium with apple slices for moisture, bran or oats for food and bedding and leaves or grass from their natural habitat. Store earthworms in a moist worm composting unit with soil and fruit and vegetable scraps.
Replace insects and worms in the tuatara environment daily and remove any insect debris from the cage.