How to Breed Tokay Geckos

Tokay geckos are renowned as prime pet lizards throughout the world due to their distinctive vocalizations and ease of care. The fame and sheer demand for the Tokay gecko makes it a prime gecko for breeding. Whether you're an interested gecko enthusiast or a seasoned breeder, knowing how to breed Tokay geckos is essential.

Things You'll Need

  • Prepared Tokay gecko tank
  • Two-year-old male and female Tokay gecko
  • Water sprayer
  • Plastic container
  • Lid for plastic container, punched with holes
  • Marker
  • Non-fertilized mulch
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  1. Breeding Tokay geckos

    • 1

      Sex your geckos by bringing them to a qualified specialist at your local pet shop. If none are available, you can attempt to determine the gender of the geckos on your own by comparing their physical traits. Examine the anus area of your geckos; you can identify males by the protruded bumps around the anus, and females by smooth skin by the anus.

    • 2

      Place both geckos in the prepared Tokay gecko tank, if they not already paired. To stimulate breeding, spray the tank with your water sprayer to create a jungle humidity environment. There should be water droplets on the walls of the tank. By doing this, you will stimulate the breeding cycle; the male will believe it is spring and start courting the female.

    • 3

      Examine your female gecko and identify if she is pregnant by simply looking at her stomach and seeing the eggs. Within a week of being placed with the male in the moisturized environment, your female should be pregnant and will start digging in your tank's substrate to prepare to lay her eggs. Identify this area, as you will need to dig out the eggs after she lays them to increase the successful incubation rate of the young.

    • 4

      Examine your female gecko daily for the next three weeks until your female is no longer pregnant. Using the area you have identified as her digging site, dig up the eggs extremely carefully and excavate them without turning them over. With your marker, mark each egg with an "X" towards the side facing up. Keeping the eggs constantly upright is extremely crucial, as a baby gecko can drown in an egg's yolk if the egg is left upside down.

    • 5

      Move the eggs to your sealed plastic container (with holes in the top) and partially bury the eggs in the mulch. Your mulch container should have at least 2 inches of mulch. When burying your eggs, you should leave only the top of the egg exposed to the air for you to be able to observe and act when the eggs hatch. Regularly moisten the inside of the sealed container to create tropical humidity. Water droplets should be present throughout the container. Throughout this process, keep the container within the temperature range of 75 F to 95 F.

    • 6

      Examine the container every day after two weeks until your baby geckos hatch.