Selecting a Tank
A large glass aquarium will also function as a bearded dragon tank. Bearded dragon tanks are often similar to fish tanks. They are glass tanks with a screen top and are widely available at most pet stores. It's important to provide adequate space for your lizards. A fully grown bearded dragon needs at least a 40-gallon tank measuring 36-by-18-by-18 inches. Larger dragons (longer than 14 inches) need even larger tanks, as big as 4 feet long and 2 feet wide. If you're in doubt about how much your lizard will grow, ask your breeder or pet store owner.
The Tank Floor
Earthlike ceramic tile provides a natural tank lining. For easier cleanup and a more natural habitat, line the tank with heavy cloth or a rubber pad. For a more textured look, you can purchase foam or polyurethane floors; some are even shaped like sand dunes. One downside is that these are harder to clean, and it's easier for crickets and worms to hide. Shelf liner and textured ceramic tiles can also provide a natural look, without providing a shelter for crickets and worms.
Avoid putting sand in the tank with the lizards. Since bearded dragons are native to the desert, it seems natural to use sand as a bedding. However, in reality you should almost never use it in your tank. Bearded dragons will accidentally ingest sand as they eat, and it can cause serious health problems. Lizards older than 1 year and larger than 16 inches can have some sand, as long is it is silicone-free children's sand. Even with proper sand, there are some health risks, so use it cautiously.
Lighting and Heat
Use lighting that produces UVB rays as well as a heat lamp. Lighting is an essential part of a bearded dragon habitat. Purchase a heat lamp that will keep the cage between 78 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit. If you want to provide a space for the lizards to bask, add a second heat lamp that will heat about a quarter of the tank to 95 degrees. To ensure proper vitamin D production, also include a light that uses UVB bulbs, and replace them every 10 months. The lizards need eight to 14 hours of light during the day.
A large rock will provide a high point for your lizards to climb. Your pets will need places to hide and places to climb. Place one or two large rocks in the bottom of the tank, taking care not to break the glass or put the lizards within 10 inches of the heat lamp. Vines and artificial plants provide a natural habitat and more places for the lizards to climb. Also provide some sort of shelter, such as an artificial log with a hole in it.
Other Tips
If your lizard appears scared of its reflection, cover the inside of the tank with a paper liner. You may even be able to find liner with a decorative desert design at the pet store. You can also build a wooden tank, as long as the edges are smooth. If your lizard appears stressed out, it may need more places to hide in the tank. Keep in mind, though, the more decorative and elaborate your tank is, the more you will have to clean.
Bearded Dragon Tank Ideas
Bearded dragons, also called pogonas, are reptiles native to the deserts of North America. Many people choose bearded dragons as pets because they are generally docile and low-maintenance. With proper care, captive bearded dragons can live seven to 10 years. If you are bringing a bearded dragon into your home, having a safe, secure tank can help extend the life of your new pet.