- Clams: Bivalve mollusks with hard, hinged shells.
- Oysters: Bivalve mollusks with thick, irregular shells.
- Mussels: Bivalve mollusks with thin, elongated shells.
- Scallops: Bivalve mollusks with fan-shaped shells.
- Abalones: Marine snails with large, ear-shaped shells.
- Conches: Marine snails with large, spiral shells.
- Limpets: Marine snails with small, cap-shaped shells.
- Periwinkles: Marine snails with small, conical shells.
- Whelks: Marine snails with large, spindle-shaped shells.
- Nautilus: Cephalopods with spiral, chambered shells.
- Cuttlefish: Cephalopods with an internal shell.
- Squid: Cephalopods with an internal pen.
- Octopuses: Cephalopods without an internal or external shell.
- Turtles: Reptiles with a bony shell.
- Tortoises: Reptiles with a bony shell.
- Terrapins: Reptiles with a bony shell that live in freshwater.
- Sea turtles: Reptiles with a bony shell that live in the ocean.