If a puppy nips you and breaks the skin has parasite can human get from nip?

It's highly unlikely that you would get a parasite from a puppy's nip that breaks the skin. Here's why:

* Parasites and Transmission: Most parasites that infect dogs are specific to dogs and cannot easily transfer to humans.

* Bite Infection: The primary concern with a puppy bite that breaks the skin is the risk of bacterial infection. Puppies often have bacteria in their mouths that can cause infections in humans.

* Parasites That Can Transfer: Some parasites like roundworms can be transmitted through fecal-oral contact, but a bite is unlikely to spread them.

What to do if a puppy nips you:

1. Clean the wound: Wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.

2. Apply antiseptic: If available, use an antiseptic to reduce the risk of infection.

3. Monitor for infection: Watch for signs of infection like redness, swelling, pain, or pus.

4. Seek medical attention: If the wound is deep or shows signs of infection, consult a doctor.

Important Note: Always handle puppies with care and teach them proper biting etiquette. If you have concerns about the puppy's health or the risk of infection, consult your veterinarian.