Treatments for Rodents in the Attic

Often a little-used area of the house, the attic can become a playground for invading rodents such as mice and roof rats. These rodents can get into the home through gaps or holes in the roof and will use the attic space for warmth and shelter. Having a rodent problem in the attic can be highly dangerous as rats and mice will chew through wiring and cause major house fires while doing so.

Things You'll Need

  • Snap traps
  • Peanut butter
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Ladder
  • Tree-pruning shears
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      Set up multiple snap traps along the wall line, on top of pipes and in the rafters of the attic space. Bait the traps with peanut butter; it is strong-smelling and appealing to rodents, which will attract them to the traps. Snap traps are the fastest-working rodent traps as they kill instantly. They are also simple to retrieve since the rats are dead instead of merely stuck, as is the case with glue traps.

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      Locate the holes and gaps in the roof and place more snap traps near these holes and in the gutters. This will trap and kill the rodents before they enter the attic space.

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      Block up the holes in the roof. This is the only certain way to keep the rodents out. Use a professional roofer to fix these holes unless you have the relevant experience and skills to make the repairs.

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      Move trash cans away from the house. The smell and food supply provided by trash cans attract the rodents to the house and offer a meal to rodents that have already settled in the attic.

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      Trim back trees and tall shrubs that are close to the house. Rodents can gain easier access to the roof by using trees that overhang the roof.

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      Clean and deodorize the attic thoroughly once the rodents have been taken care of. The rodents will have left behind parasites and diseases that can be dangerous for some time afterward. The smells left behind after a rodent infestation can also attract other rodents back to the area, so a good full clean-out is needed.