How to Make Rodent Toys

Whether you have a rat, a mouse, a hamster, a gerbil or some other kind of rodent, its quality of life could be vastly improved with the addition of some rodent toys. While these may be purchased, there are several rodent toys that can be made from materials found around the house. In the interest of safety, always assume your rats might consume anything you put in their cage. Do not include any materials that could harm them if swallowed.

Things You'll Need

  • Egg carton
  • Rodent food and treats
  • Nontoxic markers
  • Nontoxic glue (optional)
  • Toilet paper roll
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  1. Food Playground

    • 1

      Find an empty egg carton. The more egg holders the better, so use an 18-pack or 24-pack of eggs. Fill each egg holder with a different kind of rodent food. You can use each type of food more than once. Include treats as well to increase your rodent's enjoyment.

    • 2

      Decorate the egg carton with markers. Use nontoxic markers for the safety of your pets. Draw funny pictures of mice, rats, hamsters or whatever type of rodent you have. Use colors that match the colors of other things in your rodent's cage, like its running wheel.

    • 3

      Place the carton in the cage. Opening the egg carton fully provides twice the amount of running area compared to a partially opened egg carton. Keep the carton fully open to allow more room for your rodents to play among the carton's indentations.

    Rope Swings

    • 4

      Find an old shirt, sweater, pair of pants or some other kind of textile. Cut or rip thin strands of cloth. The strands should be 3 or 4 inches long. Use different colors for variety (this is more for your benefit than the rodent's benefit).

    • 5

      Remove the top of the cage or container where you keep your rodents. Attach the strands to the top either by tying them or using nontoxic glue. Attach them at random intervals across the top of the cage, or keep them confined to one corner of the cage.

    • 6

      Replace the top of the cage and watch your pets climb and swing around their home. As an added incentive for the rodents, place a treat at the top of each rope, so they have a reason to try to climb to the top.