Raccoons During the Day

The Raccoon (Procyon lotor) usually behaves as a nocturnal animal that becomes active at night. In warm states, such as Florida, the raccoon emerges from its den during daytime. This adaptable mammal inhabits not only forested areas, but also urban areas.
  1. Activities

    • Daytime activities include eating, foraging, napping and swimming. Although raccoons normally walk, they can run at speeds up to 15 mph. If searching for nesting in a house, they can remove shingles, damage ducts or destroy insulation.

    Den Sites

    • Instead of hibernating, the raccoon uses hollow trees as a den for sleeping. If using man-made habitats, the raccoon can access an attic, crawl space, chimney, wood duck nest-box, or abandoned vehicles as daytime rest sites.


    • Raccoons consume an omnivorous diet consisting of both meat and plant matter. Raccoons in urban areas can scavenge for food in garbage, compost piles and outdoor pet food bowls. Diet may include vegetables, fruit and nuts and road-killed animals.


    • Raccoons on the coast can use low tides to hunt for shellfish. Raccoons often forage near water sources where they moisten their food and examine it for inedible particles. The species "lotor" means "washer."


    • Vocalizations can include chittering, hisses, screams, growls and whistles to communicate fear or threats.