Gerbils Vs. Hamsters: Which Is Easier to Handle?

When deciding which type of pet is right for you, there are many factors to consider. Not all small animals have the same type of temperament, and when choosing between similar types of pets, such as hamsters vs. gerbils, the question of which is easier to handle can be an important determining factor.
  1. Gerbils As Pets

    • Gerbils are small, desert-dwelling rodents that are known for their intelligence and friendly nature. They are social animals that live in pairs and are easily tamed, provided that they are handled regularly at a young age.

    Handling Gerbils

    • Unlike most rodents, gerbils are active during the day. Like most rodents, however, gerbils require time and patience to train, but are less likely to nip if they are handled gently. Offering a gerbil a small treat and gently placing your hand under its body and gently lifting it up is the best way to handle it, and over time, your gerbil will become accustomed to your smell and to being held.

    Hamsters As Pets

    • Hamsters are small rodents that are tailless and nocturnal. They prefer to be solitary, although they can be housed with other hamsters, provided that they are introduced to each other when they are young. Hamsters can be tamed, but taming them requires time and patience.

    Handling Hamsters

    • Because hamsters are nocturnal, they can become irritable and frightened if awakened during the day, which can cause them to nip when their owners attempt to hold them. Hamsters are not naturally as social or friendly as some other types of rodents, which can also make handling them slightly more difficult. It is best to attempt to handle them in the evening and at night, and to offer small treats first until they become accustomed to you, before attempting to gently scoop them up in the palm of your hand.


    • When considering the question of whether hamsters or gerbils are easier to handle, it is important to remember that although gerbils are generally considered to be easier to handle, they are also require frequent social interaction. Hamsters, on the other hand, while more difficult to handle, are generally self-sufficient and may be a better choice for pet owners who do not have the time to provide social interaction for their pet on a daily basis.