Why is animal exstintion happening?

Habitat Loss and Fragmentation

* Deforestation: The clearing of forests for agriculture, development, and other human activities is a major cause of animal extinction. Forests provide habitat for a wide variety of animals, and when they are destroyed, these animals lose their homes and their food sources.

* Urbanization: The expansion of cities and towns is also a major cause of habitat loss. As more and more land is developed for housing, roads, and other infrastructure, there is less space for animals to live.

* Fragmentation: Habitat fragmentation occurs when large areas of habitat are broken up into smaller, isolated patches. This can make it difficult for animals to move around and find food, and it can also lead to increased inbreeding.


* Hunting and fishing: Hunting and fishing are major causes of animal extinction. Some species are hunted for their meat, fur, or other body parts, while others are caught as bycatch in fishing nets.

* Poaching: Poaching is the illegal hunting of animals. It is a serious problem in many parts of the world, and it is a major threat to many endangered species.

Climate Change

* Rising temperatures: Climate change is causing the Earth's temperature to rise, which is having a negative impact on many animal species. Some animals are unable to adapt to the changing climate, and they are dying as a result.

* Changes in precipitation: Climate change is also causing changes in precipitation patterns. Some areas are experiencing more rainfall, while others are experiencing less. These changes can disrupt animal habitats and make it difficult for animals to find food and water.

* Sea level rise: Climate change is also causing sea levels to rise. This is a threat to coastal habitats and the animals that live in them.


* Pollution: Pollution from human activities can also harm animals. Water pollution can contaminate water supplies and make them unsafe for animals to drink. Air pollution can cause respiratory problems and other health problems in animals.

* Plastic pollution: Plastic pollution is a major problem in the world's oceans. Plastic bags, bottles, and other plastic items can entangle animals and cause them to die.


* Disease: Disease can also be a major threat to animals. Some diseases are spread by humans, while others are spread by other animals. Diseases can cause animals to die quickly, or they can weaken them and make them more susceptible to other threats.

Invasive Species

* Invasive species: Invasive species are non-native species that have been introduced to an area and are causing harm to the native species. Invasive species can compete with native species for food and habitat, and they can also transmit diseases to native species.