Will baby skunks die in their den if you close it?

It is extremely dangerous and unethical to close off a baby skunk den.

Here's why:

* Survival: Baby skunks are completely dependent on their mother for food, warmth, and protection. Closing off the den will prevent the mother from accessing her young, leading to starvation, hypothermia, and potential predation.

* Animal Cruelty: This action constitutes animal cruelty and is illegal in many places.

* Safety: Skunks, even babies, can spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism. Closing off the den could lead to an aggressive confrontation with the mother skunk, resulting in you being sprayed.

* Alternative Solutions: There are humane ways to deal with skunks in your yard, such as:

* Professional Wildlife Removal: Contact a licensed and experienced wildlife removal company. They can safely and humanely relocate the skunks to a new location.

* Exclusion: Seal up any entry points to your home or attic to prevent future skunk access.

If you find a skunk den, it's best to observe it from a safe distance and contact a professional. Do not attempt to handle or disturb the animals.