Where do skunks live in Idaho?

Skunks are found throughout Idaho, but they are more common in the southern and western parts of the state. Here's why:

* Habitat: Skunks prefer areas with open grasslands, woodlands, and brushy areas that provide them with shelter and food sources. These types of habitats are more prevalent in southern and western Idaho.

* Climate: Skunks generally thrive in temperate climates, and southern Idaho's climate is better suited for them than the colder, higher-elevation areas in the north.

However, you can find skunks throughout the state, even in urban areas. They adapt well to different environments and can be found near homes, parks, and even in wooded areas within cities.

Remember: It's important to be aware of skunks, as they can be a nuisance. If you see a skunk in your yard, it's best to avoid contact and call a wildlife removal professional.