Will a python eat skunk?

It's highly unlikely that a python would eat a skunk. Here's why:

* Skunks are well-defended: Skunks are notorious for their pungent spray, which can be a powerful deterrent for predators. Pythons, while powerful constrictors, don't have a strong sense of smell, making them less likely to be deterred by the smell alone.

* Diet: Pythons are primarily opportunistic predators, focusing on prey that is readily available and easier to catch. Skunks, with their defense mechanisms, would be a challenging and risky meal for a python.

* Size: Depending on the species of python and skunk, the size difference could be significant. Smaller pythons may be deterred by larger skunks.

While it's not entirely impossible for a python to eat a skunk, it's a very rare occurrence. The risk of getting sprayed and the potential for an unsuccessful hunt would likely make skunks a less desirable prey option for pythons.