How to Train a Skunk

If you are thinking of bringing a new pet into your home, you should consider adopting a skunk. These cute little creatures can become one of the most wonderful pets you could ever own. Contrary to what you may have heard, skunks are not the smelly rodents that they are thought to be. As a matter of fact, a domesticated skunk has had his scent glands most likely removed, so there will never be a need to run and get the tomato juice! As loving as a puppy, and able to be litter box trained like a kitten, the skunk is a great choice for the small pet lover.

Things You'll Need

  • Play toys
  • Litter box
  • Litter
  • Bedding
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      Use positive reinforcement and lots of warm hugs throughout the training process. To encourage good behavior, establish a feeling of closeness with your pet skunk. Make your skunk feel like a welcome member of the family.

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      Play with your skunk as often as possible, and teach him what types of behaviors are acceptable. Baby skunks have cute little teeth , but their teeth become very sharp as they grow. Rough play will encourage biting and gnawing on your hands. This is unacceptable! Never allow your skunk to think that any type of chewing is alright.

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      Begin house training by trying to catch your skunk in the act, and redirect him to the litter box. Place the litter box in an area that is easily accessible for your skunk. As a baby, you can begin training in a small area such as the bathroom. Limiting his mobility area will encourage him to use the litter box. When he is using it on a regular basis, you can expand his living quarters.

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      Groom your skunk regularly. Baths and nail clippings can be made more tolerable by introducing these tasks in the early years. The younger the skunk is when you begin grooming, the easier it will be. Nail clipping can be challenging, but the task can become easier as the skunk becomes accustomed to the routine.

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      Keep rewards handy at all times. Reward your skunk every time he does the right thing. You want to use positive reinforcement whenever possible.