What do arctic seals eat?

Arctic seals are carnivores and their diet varies depending on the specific species and their location. Here's a general overview:

Common prey includes:

* Fish: Cod, herring, salmon, flounder, and other fish species are a major food source for many Arctic seals.

* Crustaceans: Crabs, shrimp, and krill are also important food sources, particularly for species like the ringed seal.

* Squid: Some seals, like the harp seal, are known to prey on squid.

* Other marine mammals: Polar bears and walrus are prey for larger seals like the bearded seal.

* Birds: Some seals may occasionally catch and eat birds, especially chicks and eggs.

Specific examples:

* Harp seal: Primarily eats cod, herring, and capelin.

* Ringed seal: Feeds mainly on crustaceans, especially shrimp and krill.

* Bearded seal: Known for its diet of clams, snails, and other benthic invertebrates.

* Hooded seal: Primarily eats fish, but also consumes squid and crustaceans.

* Walrus: Eats clams, mussels, and other shellfish.

Hunting techniques:

Arctic seals have adapted various hunting techniques to catch their prey:

* Underwater pursuit: Some seals, like the harp seal, are fast swimmers and can chase fish underwater.

* Ambush hunting: Seals like the ringed seal will lie in wait near breathing holes in the ice, waiting for prey to come close.

* Using their teeth: Seals have strong teeth that they use to capture and kill their prey.

* Using their whiskers: Whiskers help seals to sense vibrations in the water, allowing them to locate prey.

Important note: Climate change and environmental changes are impacting the availability of prey for Arctic seals, affecting their diet and survival.