What does an apple snail need to stay alive?

Apple snails are fascinating creatures with unique needs. Here's what they require to thrive:


* Aquarium: A spacious tank is essential, with at least 10 gallons for a single snail. Larger tanks are better for multiple snails.

* Water: Clean, dechlorinated water with a pH of 6.5 to 8.0. Water changes are crucial, with 25% changed weekly.

* Temperature: A consistent temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C) is ideal.

* Substrate: Sand, gravel, or a mix of both is good. Avoid sharp rocks and gravel.

* Plants: Live plants are essential for grazing and hiding.

* Hiding spots: Provide caves, rocks, or driftwood for the snail to retreat to.


* Plant-based: Apple snails are herbivores. They love to graze on algae, leafy greens (lettuce, spinach), and other aquatic plants.

* Algae wafers: These are a good supplement to their diet.

* Fruits and vegetables: Offer small pieces of fruit and vegetables like zucchini, cucumber, and banana occasionally.

* Calcium: Add a calcium source like cuttlebone or crushed oyster shells to their tank.

Other Factors:

* Fresh air: Provide good air circulation in the tank.

* Proper lighting: Moderate lighting is good, but avoid direct sunlight.

* Regular maintenance: Clean the tank and change the water regularly.

* Observation: Monitor their behavior and appetite for any signs of illness.

Remember: Apple snails are sensitive creatures, so it's important to create a stable and healthy environment for them. Research thoroughly and provide everything they need for a long and happy life.