How to Feed Anacondas

The anaconda is the largest snake in the world. Swamps, rivers, lakes and wetlands are this aquatic snake's preferred habitat. This carnivorous constrictor snake is not venomous and kills by suffocating prey with its large strong body. The anaconda's jaw is made of elastic ligaments allowing it to open wide; swallowing animals whole. An anaconda can fast for months and spends weeks digesting meals. The anaconda is easy to feed and should always feed on live prey.

Things You'll Need

  • Chicks
  • Small rats
  • Rabbits
  • Tank
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      Offer meals to your anaconda in a different tank than it lives. This will prevent the snake from attacking you when you reach into its tank, and eliminate aggressive feeding habits. Don't place bedding or stones in the feeding tank. The snake can accidentally swallow these while attacking prey, causing infection or impaction.

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      Feed a young anaconda a chick once a week. A chick or small mouse is proportionate to the snake's size and easy to hunt. As the anaconda grows, try feeding two chicks or mice a week. Monitor your anaconda to make sure it's eating and growing.

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      Give your juvenile or young adult anaconda small rats twice a week. The snake has a slow digestive system, so it's important not to overfeed while introducing larger prey. Small mice and birds can also be introduced if the snake is not interested in the rat.

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      Provide larger rodents like rabbits and guinea pigs to your adult anaconda every other week. For an adult anaconda that doesn't take to rodents, provide birds or other small mammals, until the snake is satisfied. Fish can be offered if the feeding tank has enough water.