What Type of Fish Should You Feed a Garter Snake?

The garter snake is found in a number of varieties, including the common garter snake, the western garter snake and the aquatic garter. Larger species of the garter feed on fish and amphibians, while smaller species and young garters feed on aquatic slugs and snails.
  1. Garter

    • The garter snake is thought to originate from semiarid regions of North America, including Texas, Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, California and Mexico, according to Pet Snake Care. The garter is generally a small species of snake in terms of size, with species growing to between 2 and 4 feet, according to the Washington Department of Fish &Wildlife. As a snake of relatively small size, the temperature of the garter can move up and down at different times, with an optimum temperature of between 84 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit required for regular activity.


    • In wild environments, the garter snake is an opportunistic hunter, feeding on whatever animals are plentiful in its environment. For smaller species and young garters, this can include aquatic invertebrates and young amphibians, such as young frogs. Larger species of garters often feed on birds and small mammals, including mice and other rodents. Many species of garter snakes can survive in water and therefore feed on freshwater fish, aquatic snails and amphibian larvae. The garter often hunts its prey by trapping it against a rock and using its hinged jaws to consume the animal whole.

    Frozen Fish

    • When held in captivity, it can be difficult to provide a garter snake with a balanced diet. Often fish can be added to a diet that could also include mice and other rodents. Fresh fish are preferred, but frozen fish can be included in a diet. Where frozen fish are included in a diet, the vitamins within the fish can be affected by the freezing process, meaning vitamin supplements must be added to the diet of the garter. In particular, whole frozen fish can see vitamin B1 be reduced by an enzyme produced during freezing. Some of the common types of fish consumed by the garter include the coley and lance fish.


    • Fish can be added to the diet of a garter fish that refuses to eat or will not feed on rodents, according to Help Care Collection. To encourage a captive garter snake to eat a small amount of sand eels or lance fish, they can be offered live in a shallow dish. When collected from the wild, care should be taken not to collect fish from streams, rivers or ponds containing contaminants.