How to Make a Python Grow Fast

Pythons are a family of snakes that includes larger, thick-bodied snakes such as ball pythons and Burmese pythons. Reptiles are fairly simple animals, and snakes are no exception. Snakes may grow faster or slower, depending on how much food is available to them. A larger amount of food will make a python grow faster, and making a python grow fast is easy.

Things You'll Need

  • Rats
  • Tongs
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      Obtain rats for your python. Rats are higher in nutrition and are typically larger than mice, also providing more fat and calories than mice. The rats should be frozen and thawed out before feeding. Most pythons prefer their prey be warmed up -- by being dipped in hot water -- before feeding.

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      Offer the rat to the python. The rat should be about the same size as the snake's thickest part. While more food will make your python grow faster, rodents that are too large could cause your snake to regurgitate them later.

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      Continue feeding the python every four to five days. A normal feeding schedule for a hatchling python is about every five to seven days, but this accelerated feeding schedule will lead to faster growth. An alternative to this method is to feed the snake multiple items at once every seven to 10 days. When the snake's mouth is still open from swallowing the first rat, place the head of the next rat in the snake's mouth. The snake will continue to eat the next prey item on its own, and two to three rats can be fed at a time.