Snake Species in Corte Madera, California

Corte Madera is a city located half way along California's coast in Marin County. The natural habitats in and around the city are home to 11 of the state's more than 80 species and subspecies of snake. The native species vary in size from a few inches to several feet long. Almost all the local species are harmless to humans with the exception of one venomous variety.
  1. Large Snakes

    • Of the 11 snake species native to Marin County that might be found near the city of Corte Madera, four grow far in excess of 4 feet in length. The California king snake grows to between 30 and 85 inches and is generally black with thin white stripes around its body. The Pacific gopher snake grows to between 30 and 84 inches in length and has light brown body with darker mottling resembling a rattlesnake. The western yellow-bellied snake is small, growing to 75 inches in length. The California red-sided garter snake grows to about 55 inches in length.

    Medium-sized Snakes

    • Of the 11 species found in Marin County, four snakes are medium in size, ranging between 2 and 4 feet in length. The California striped racer grows to about 4 feet. It has dark brown to black coloring broken by yellowish lines along the length of its body. The coast garter snake is a little smaller, growing to just under 4 feet. It can range from brown to red in color with paler stripes along its body. The Pacific ring-necked snake and the northern rubber boa both grow to about 3 feet in length.

    Small Snakes

    • Marin County is home to two small species of snake. The smallest is the sharp-tailed snake. It grows to between 8 and 12 inches in length and has a slender body. It ranges from gray to reddish-brown in color and has a sharp point to its tail, which gives it its name. The California night snake is larger. It grows to between 12 and 26 inches in length with a slender body. It is light brown to gray in color with darker spots running the length of its body.

    Venomous Snakes

    • Residents or visitors in Corte Madera may come into contact with one dangerous snake species native to Marin County. The northern Pacific rattlesnake is common throughout much of California. It grows to between 15 and 36 inches in length and has a thick body like most rattlesnakes. It ranges from gray to brown in color with darker mottled spots running the length of its body. Bites can be dangerous if not medically treated.