What Is a Natural Enemy of Snakes?

Snakes can be found all around the world, in many different colors, shapes and sizes. Although feared by many humans, snakes are often harmless. These slithering creatures usually go after smaller rodents and leave bigger prey for other animals. Snakes do have some natural enemies, including humans, other mammals, birds, reptiles and invertebrates.
  1. Humans

    • Humans are probably the most dangerous enemy to snakes. We destroy their habitats as we develop and build in natural areas. We also accidentally run them over with vehicles. Many snakes are killed because of human fear or ignorance rather than necessity. You have a lower chance of receiving a venomous snake bite than you have of being harmed in an automobile accident or drowning.


    • There are several different flying enemies of the snake. Owls, eagles, hawks, geese, and ducks are all part of this category. These birds consider snakes as part of their diet and will hunt and attack snakes if they come across them. The snakes may not even see the flying predators until it is too late because the silent attack is usually from above.


    • Besides humans, there are several different mammals that pose a thread to snakes. Raccoons, mongoose, skunks, dogs, cats, weasels, and pigs are considered to be enemies of the snake. These mammals will readily kill and eat these reptiles if they find them.

    Reptiles and Invertebrates

    • Crocodiles and turtles are enemies of the snake. Other snakes also pose a potential risk. Even centipedes and scorpions can kill smaller snakes.