Black Spitting Cobra Habitat

The Spitting Cobra is a jet black snake famous for its spitting fangs that eject venom into the eyes of its victim. The Black Spitting Cobra family includes three different snakes: the Black-necked Spitting Cobra, the Black Spitting Cobra and the Western Barred Spitting Cobra.
  1. Range

    • The Black-necked Spitting Cobra is found in eastern Africa, Kenya, Uganda, southwestern Africa, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Senegal and Namibia. The Black Spitting cobra can be found in South Africa Cape Province and western and central Namibia. The Western Barred Spitting Cobra resides in central and northern Namibia, and likely in South Angola.


    • The Black-necked Spitting Cobra usually lives in desert and dry areas, and in shrubs and grasslands. The Black Spitting cobra stays in rocky, mountain areas, while the Western Barred Spitting Cobra lives in semi-desert and savannah regions.


    • The Black-necked Spitting Cobra is often found in termite mounds, rodent holes and hollow tree trunks. The Black Spitting cobra stays close to watering holes and hides among the rocks, and the Western Barred Spitting Cobra lives in termite mounds and rodent holes, but frequently sunbathes outside these areas.


    • Both the the Black-necked Spitting Cobra and the Western Barred Spitting Cobra are nocturnal. The Black Spitting Cobra is not necessarily nocturnal, but still is rarely seen.


    • Black Spitting Cobras feed mostly on small rodents, frogs, toads and even lizards.