How to Give a Ball Python a Medication Shot

If you have a Ball Python snake that becomes ill, giving them medication can prove troublesome. Unlike cats and dogs, it is difficult to force-feed a snake medication. Even putting the medication into their food can be difficult, as you would have to inject it into a mouse or rat, and oftentimes if a snake is sick and it effects their ability to smell food they will refuse to eat. In these situations the only method to medicate your ill reptile is to give it injections prescribed by your veterinarian. Once you have visited your vet and they have assessed that it is necessary, you need to be prepared for what giving your pet a shot can entail.


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      Fill the syringe with the proper amount of medication. Your vet will have given you a bottle with the exact amount of medication you will need to give your snake altogether, plus enough syringes and needles for all doses. They will also tell you how much to give your Ball Python at a time. It is very important to stick to the proper dosage when filling your syringe. But once you puncture the top of the bottle and begin to fill the syringe with liquid you will also end up with air bubbles, which can be harmful if injected into your pet. It helps to fill the syringe all the way full with medication and then empty it until you reach the required dosage, which will push out any air bubbles that may have gotten into the syringe as well.

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      Have another person hold the Ball Python down on a flat surface. This is very important, as the snake will start to move around once you try to inject it and you won't have enough hands to do the shot correctly and keep the snake still. Your helper should place the snake on a flat surface such as a counter or table. Choose the spot that you will be doing the injection and have them hold their hands to either side of that spot, leaving at least two or three inches between their hands so you have room to manuever. It might work best if they have one hand over the head of the snake to keep it from snapping at you, but not all Ball Pythons will allow this so your helper may have to put their hand lower on their neck.

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      Clean the area where you will be doing the injection. Rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide work well for this purpose. Once you have chosen the spot where you will give the shot, which should be within the first two-thirds of the snake's body and in the fleshy part of their side, take a cotton ball and gently clean a wide area. As they may move about before you actually get the needle in, it is important to clean several inches of scales as you can't be entirely sure where you will be giving them their shot.

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      Line up the needle to give the shot. You will want to pick a place at the edge of two different scales, as going through an actual scale will be too difficult. You will also want to hold the needle at an angle so that it can slide between the scales and into the skin. Find a way that is comfortable for you to hold the syringe and use two hands if necessary. It is very important to get a good grip on the syringe so that if the Ball Python moves when you stick them with the needle, you can manage to hold on and give them their injection.

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      Give your Ball Python the shot. When you push the needle into their skin they will jerk their muscles away from you and begin to move around so you and your helper need to be prepared. Make sure they hold onto the snake as firmly as possible to keep it from moving too much. Try to get the needle at least halfway into the skin, so that all fluid you release from the syringe will go into the snake. Push the plunger down on the syringe as quickly as possible while maintaining a firm grip on it. The snake will continue to jerk around so as soon as the medication is out of the syringe pull the needle out.