How to Set Up Terrarium for Python

A python is a pet that requires adequate shelter that allows for ample room to move and sufficient warmth. A terrarium must be set up in a certain way to provide a comfortable, safe habitat for your python. Learn how to properly arrange a terrarium for you pet python.


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      Choose the appropriate size terrarium for you python. A freshly hatched python can live in a ten-gallon terrarium until it reaches age 2; adult pythons require between 30 and 50-gallon terrariums for sufficient room to move. The terrarium you choose should have a lid that latches securely. Pythons try to escape when the opportunity presents itself.

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      Pick a bedding material for your terrarium. Bedding such as Astroturf, newsprint (paper used for newspaper printing without the print) and aspen mulch provide a comfortable, absorbent bedding for the python.

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      Position a place for the python to hide inside the terrarium. A wooden box or rock cave with ample room for the python are popular choices for hiding places.

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      Decide on a heating element and light source for your terrarium. Since pythons are cold-blooded animals, they require external heating sources to help regulate body temperature. Choose a heating source that can be positioned underneath one part of the terrarium. This allows the python a warm area to bask in and a place (on the side of the terrarium with no heat) to retreat from the heat source. Use a dome light--positioned on the same side as your heating element--to provide more localized, gentle heat (to replicate the sun) and a light source.

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      Monitor the temperature and the humidity of the terrarium. Terrariums require monitoring to ensure the temperature and humidity levels are safe for the python. Position the gauges in an area of the terrarium that does not come into direct contact with the heating element.

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      Add a water source for your python. A dish made from natural rock is provides a sufficient source of water for the python to drink and relax within.