How to Buy a Pet Garter Snake

Garter snakes make an excellent pet for those who've never owned a snake before, and are wonderful first pets for children. Garter snakes come in a variety of species but are all fairly small, easy to care for, and friendly.


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      Catch a garter snake yourself. If you live in almost any climate, there are probably a few garter snakes hiding in your neighborhood. If you do plan to catch your own snake, be sure that you know exactly what garter snake species are native to your region and what they look like. You can find them near ponds, lakes, and creeks most often. Bring a forked stick, a box with a lid that closes securely, and an adult if you're a kid.

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      Buy a garter snake from a local pet store if you'd prefer not to catch your own. You can also buy all of the things you'll need to create a habitat for your snake. Ask a salesperson for help or bring along a list. You'll need a terrarium, heater, proper lighting, a secure cover, and places for your snake to hide, climb, bathe, and rest. Don't forget to find out what your particular snake likes to eat before you buy food, and what humidity they prefer.

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      Inspect the snake before you buy. The salesperson should be able to tell you how old the snake is, what species it is, when it last shed, what it likes to eat, and the best temperature and humidity for the snake. If the snake looks lethargic, dull, unhealthy, or shows signs of illness, buy from somewhere else.

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      Contact a local snake breeder if there aren't any at the pet store. Look in the paper, the phone book, or online to find one. You can also contact your local herpetological association to find reliable snake breeders in your area. When you go, inspect the snakes thoroughly and ask where their snake came from, and if it was raised in captivity.