How to Breed Garter Snakes

Sometimes breeding snakes can be as simple as putting them in the same cage, but oftentimes, it requires a bit more work. With a lot of planning and care for both your male and female garter snake, you should be able to breed some baby snakes.


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      Introduce the male garter snake to the female garter snake, immediately after hibernation, to start the breeding process. If this doesn't work, wait until either snake has sloughed, and make frequent reintroductions. Eventually, they should mate.

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      Wait until mating has been successful. You'll know it was successful because you will see a visible seminal plug or gaping of the female's cloaca.

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      Keep an eye on your female garter snake. It will take about a month after a successful mating for you to be able to observe the pregnancy. You'll be able to feel lumps in the female's midsection.

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      Feed a pregnant snake a lot, although she may stop eating in the second half of her pregnancy.

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      Wait for the birth. This usually happens about 90 to100 days after mating. Keep the female by herself. Use an escape-proof cage to keep the babies safe.

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      Line the cage with damp moss to help the female give birth. This also helps the babies with their first sloughing, which should happen within 1to 10 days of the birth.

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      Care for the baby garter snakes the same way you care for adults. They are independent as soon as they are born. They'll eat the same food adult snakes will, but in smaller quantities. Feed them goldfish, earthworms, newts or tadpoles.