Unplug electrical appliances like the heater pad and heating lamp.
Carefully remove the hood or top of the tank.
Gently take hold of your snake and place it in a temporary container. Make sure there is clean water in a dish in that container. You may add some crumpled-up newspaper for your snake to hide under.
Remove decorations, the food bowl and the water dish from the tank.
Using a spoon or ladle, scoop up the old substrate and discard it in a plastic bag.
Spray the inside of the tank with clean water and wipe down with paper towels.
Rinse off the food bowl, water dish and decorations with clean water.
Add 2 to 3 inches of new substrate to the snake tank.
Place decorations, the food bowl and water dish back in the tank.
Fill water dish with clean tap water. Add a few drops of chlorine or chloramine remover to the water as chemicals found in tap water may be harmful to your snake.
Spray the substrate with a fine mist of clean water. Make sure that this water is also treated with chlorine or chloramine remover. Stir the substrate and spray another fine mist again. However, do not over-spray until the substrate is wet. It just needs to be moist in order to maintain the humidity of your snake's tank.
Wipe down the outside of the tank with clean water and paper towels.
Plug in electrical appliances and turn them back on.
Carefully transfer your snake back into its tank.
Clean out the temporary holding container..
How to Clean Out a Snake Tank
Cleaning a snake tank is not that difficult. The main purpose is to promote the health of your slithery friend. It will also be less smelly and more hygienic for you. This article discusses steps to clean a pet snake's habitat.