Why Did My Garter Snake Constrict My Arm?

Garter snakes are small constrictors that kill their prey by slowly squeezing them to death. They are generally friendly with people and can bond with their caregivers. In some cases, garter snakes may constrict their owner's arms as a result of mistaken identity, fear or other factors. Fortunately, removing the constricted snake and uncovering the cause of the constriction is normally not difficult. The garter snake's small size means that being constricted on the arm is rarely dangerous.
  1. Mistaken Identity

    • The most common reason for a garter snake to constrict its owner's arm is mistaken identity. Your snake may have mistaken your arm for a prey item or constricted your arm because you were near food. Avoid placing your hand in your garter snake's enclosure during feeding times, and ensure that your snake is well-fed before handling it.

    Inadequate Heat

    • The average temperature of the human body is substantially warmer than the average temperature of a garter snake. Many snakes enjoy slithering on people to absorb heat. Some constrictors may wrap themselves tightly around a source of heat to absorb the maximum warmth. If your garter snake frequently constricts your arm when you remove it from its enclosure, raise the basking temperature in the cage.


    • Garter snakes tend to be non-aggressive, but can still react fearfully to sudden movements and jarring vibrations. Constricting your arm may be a reflexive reaction to fear. Avoid handling your garter snake while listening to music or other sounds that produce heavy vibrations, and never make sudden movements while holding your snake. Avoid pointing at your snake's mouth or motioning around its head, which can be particularly frightening.

    Garter Snake Safety

    • The small size of a garter snake makes constriction a minor inconvenience rather than the life threatening event it might be with a larger snake. However, if a snake remains constricted on your arm for an extended period of time, it can cut off circulation and cause surface bruising. Constriction is especially dangerous for children, who have smaller limbs and are therefore more susceptible to injury. Remain perfectly still if your garter snake constricts you. If your snake mistook you for prey, this will encourage it to uncoil.

      To remove a constricted garter snake, gently flick its tail. If this does not work, try dangling your arm in its cage underneath a heat light. The garter snake may seek out the heat and remove itself from your arm. In emergency situations, dunk your arm and the snake in lukewarm water. This will surprise the snake and cause it to uncoil. It does subject you to biting, though, so reserve this strategy only for true emergencies.